Our Family of Bus Validators

Fast and reliable contactless payment for travelers around the world.

Our family of validators combine a modern design, robustness and rapid integration into the bus with high performance in the processing of a wide variety of electronic fee collection media options, including ISO14443 A/B cards, Mifare, NFC, contactless bank cards and printed or mobile QR Code.

iCLX-V100 Validator

It successfully meets the needs and requirements of transport operators and “Smart-City” applications.

Based on our experience and knowledge in passenger transport systems, IntegriSys introduces its new generation of iCLx-V100 Validator validators for an easy and safe management of ticket collection in the transport of people.



Fast and reliable contactless payment for travelers around the world.

The iCLX-VL50 combines a modern design, robustness, rapid integration into the bus and high performance in processing a wide variety of electronic rate collection media options, including ISO14443 A / B cards, Mifare, NFC, bank cards. contactless and printed or mobile QR Code.


Operate your contactless solution with the most advanced technology.

The iCLx-R200 is multifunctional equipment, which can be connected to other devices or function as a completely autonomous terminal. It combines a modern, slim design, multiple interfaces, fast integration, and high processing performance, allowing it to expand its functionality in a wide variety of operations, improving the user experience.


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